We’re so excited to share three new tools in our ‘SLT & Subject Leadership’ collection with you today…
1. Policy Guide
Use this tool to generate a framework for a policy which acts as a guide for developing the policy in full for your school. Enter the name of the policy and the AI will create the framework. https://teachmateai.com/policy-guide
2. EYFS Action Plan
Use this tool to draft a detailed action plan for each EYFS improvement objective. Enter the objective and the AI will turn this into an action plan with success criteria, detailed implementation plan, resources required and staff involved. Then repeat for each objective. https://teachmateai.com/eyfs-action-plan
3. ECT Report Writer
Draft evidence for termly ECT reports quickly with this tool. Enter a list of the teacher’s strengths and areas for development, and the AI will turn these into paragraphs of evidence making links to the teacher standards where appropriate. https://teachmateai.com/ect-report-writer
These new tools are set to save you SO much time – try them out and let us know what you think!