Our Teacher Spotlight is a brand-new feature that shines a light on our incredible TeachMateAI members!

For this month’s spotlight, we spoke to Claire Bramley who teaches in a mainstream secondary, with Enhanced Education Provision which runs alongside.

Claire always wanted to be a teacher after working as a TA for 14 years. She’s been using TeachMateAI for the past four weeks and said “It’s a heck of a game-changer!” We asked Claire…

What’s the most interesting thing about using AI in your teaching?

TeachMateAI saves me so much time. As part of my training, I have to fill in a Reflective Diary each week detailing what happened that week and what I’ve learned from it. I use AI to help me – it’s fascinating that I can type these things in and this amazing piece of work comes out!

What advice would you give to someone using AI and TeachMateAI in their teaching?

Make sure that you read what the AI has generated at least twice. Remember that you can tweak what the AI creates to make it more personable and reflective of your personality – and remember just how much time you’re saving!

Which are your favourite tools and why?

My favourite tools are the Slideshow Generator and Differentiating Text tool. At my school, we’re not quite mainstream and we’re not quite special needs so every child has to be catered for. With the Slideshow Generator tool, you can add or take away any info and put pictures in – it saves me SO much time as I don’t have to build it from scratch.

The Differentiating Text tool takes all the stress away for students who need a little extra help – you just type it in and off it goes and again, you can tweak it as needed.

Thank you so much Claire. If you’d like to be featured in our Teacher Spotlight email us at team@teachmateai.com

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