Kate Woodhead Tulett is an art teacher at a prep school teaching years 5, 6, 7 and 8. She’s been teaching for 27 years and has been a TeachMateAI PRO member for over a year.

What’s your favourite part about being a teacher?

“My favourite part of teaching is seeing the creativity of the childs’ imagination.”

What’s the most interesting thing about using AI in your teaching?

“The AI is so good that it can essentially write what I teach from my expertise – for example, the same way that I would teach the art of cutting or using craft knives or painting, the AI can break it down step-by-step in the exact way I’d teach it from memory. It validates my teaching because the AI follows the same procedure that I follow.

I find it very hard and exceptionally time-consuming to write everything down. I often struggle to put words into information. AI helps me to teach more effectively. It’s also invaluable in helping me to tick those boxes that all teachers hate ticking and complete the paperwork I need.”

Were you apprehensive about using AI in your teaching?

“My only concern was that perhaps I wouldn’t be allowed to use it – but luckily my school embraces it. It blows my mind how effective AI is. As teachers, we are all time-poor and if I have something that works I want to share it with other people. Some teachers still don’t use it, but I am working on them!”

What advice would you give to someone using AI and TeachMateAI in their teaching?

“As with any kind of technology, I wouldn’t rely on it 100% – you need to check it in case the AI has missed your point. AI provides a fantastic framework but always add your own feedback to make it more personalised. Spend some time evaluating what works and what doesn’t work and don’t overcomplicate your instructions, be nice and clear.”

What challenges have you faced so far with using AI in your teaching?

“The children use AI just as much as I do, but they can’t use it in art. They need to be encouraged to use it properly, instead of trying to avoid doing work and pass things off as their own.”

How long have you been using TeachMateAI?

“I’ve been using TeachMateAI for just over a year. Mr P came and did a training day with my school in September and showed us how to use it and blew my mind!”

What’s your favourite tool (or tools!) and why?

“My favourite tool is the report writing tool. I am so grateful that it exists as my English isn’t great. I’ve been given my reports back many times to re-do and this has given me the freedom to do them myself. Some children are very similar in their approach, so it makes writing reports a lot easier.

I also love the lesson planner. I use it on a half-term basis to help me to plan my lessons more efficiently. If I am doing a cover lesson, it’s also really helpful.”

Thank you so much Kate. If you’d like to be featured in our Teacher Spotlight email us at team@teachmateai.com

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