TeachMateAI is proud to have participated in the Department for Education’s AI Hackathon hosted by Faculty, the National Institute of Teaching & the AI in Schools Initiative.

Our Chief Technology Officer, Ian Cunningham, represented TeachMateAI at the 2-day event focused around a series of collaborative workshops with teachers, AI industry experts and representatives from the DfE exploring the true potential of generative AI in education – including the limitations and risks associated in adopting such technology. 

Ian took part in discussions with The Rt Hon Gillian Keegan MP, Secretary of State for Education and Baroness Barran MBE Parliamentary Under Secretary of State – sharing insights from the development of TeachMateAI, including thoughts on the impact of workload reduction and potential timescales for delivery.

Ian said of the event:

“There was great enthusiasm from all in the room that generative AI, if used safely and responsibly, could make a real positive impact on teacher workload whilst also increasing the level of personalisation of learning in schools. I’m very proud of what TeachMateAI has already achieved and look forward to exciting new opportunities as generative AI continues to evolve.” 

Seen coverage of the Generative AI in Education Hackathon or the AI Safety Summit? Get in touch to share your thoughts: team@teachmateAI.com

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