This month we’re interviewing Hannah, the first member of the TeachMateAI team!

Tell me a little about your career history and what you were doing before TeachMateAI…

I’ve been freelancing full-time for the past six years but my last job was working as Head of Content for a tech start-up in podcasting. Before then, I worked for a disability charity for two years. I had some great jobs but I always knew, deep down, that I wanted to be self-employed.

Since I’ve been freelance, I’ve been fortunate to work with some great clients across many industries, including market research, health and wellbeing, the disability sector and online education. No two days are the same and I love it!

Tell me about your role at TeachMateAI?

As Content and Community Manager, I manage all of TeachMate’s marketing – from writing our weekly emails, to managing our TikTok, finding new creators to collaborate with and being active in our thriving Facebook community of teachers. I manage all our social media accounts and our paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram which helps us to spread the word of TeachMate to new members.

What’s your favourite thing about working at TeachMateAI?

Is it cheating if I say three things!? Firstly, I am passionate about TeachMate’s impact on our members. My parents were both teachers earlier in their careers and I have other family members and friends in the profession, so I have seen first-hand how challenging it can be.

We regularly receive wonderful messages from our members about how we’ve transformed their work/life balance and allowed them to reclaim their free time. It’s so rewarding. I also love seeing how our Facebook Group community has grown and how our members are so kind and willing to help each other to really make the most of the platform.

Lastly, I work with a fantastic team of genuinely lovely people. We are all very aligned when it comes to our vision and values and working with a fast-growing start-up is very exciting to be a part of.

Which is your favourite thing that you’ve heard from our community?

As I manage our social media accounts I regularly receive wonderful messages and comments about how our tools have helped our members. One that stood out to me was a teacher who had been really ill but had a hefty workload to catch up on. She’d been able to get her tasks done in record time which had alleviated so much stress for her.

If technology had no limits and you could design any AI tool, what would it be?

Ooh this is a really tricky one, and fitting pay-back for me as I am usually the one asking this question! If we’re going to get futuristic, it would be cool to have an interactive way to easily see each child’s strengths, weaknesses and ways their teachers can best support them. Like a projected hologram version of a One Page Profile that only your teacher can see.

What are your favourite things to do when you’re not at work?

Honestly, during the week I am pretty boring – you’ll find me hanging out at home with my two cats, reading a new book or watching something new on Netflix. On the weekends I love to go on day trips to different cities, on beautiful, scenic walks in the Peak District and of course, I rarely need an excuse for brunch or coffee with friends.

However, my absolute favourite thing to do has to be travelling. I recently went to Florence with my best friend, a trip we’ve been talking about since the early Covid days! We fitted in some fantastic day trips like truffle hunting in the Tuscan countryside and exploring the beautiful, picturesque fishing villages of Cinque Terre.

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